Elizabeth Clay Roy
CEO, Generation Citizen
United States
Elizabeth Clay Roy is a democracy leader and the CEO of Generation Citizen (GC). GC is a national education nonprofit committed to building an inclusive, multi-racial democracy that is powered by youth voice. We believe that equitable civic education is inclusive, representative, and relevant, and is more important than ever. In 2022 she received the Black Voices for Black Justice leadership award and was recognized as a Community Crusader in EBONY Media’s Power100. A collaborative leader, Liz is a member of the Council on Civic Strength and a New Pluralists Field Builder. Elizabeth and her family live in Harlem.
She has worked toward a more inclusive, participatory and equitable democracy in several roles. These include TakeRoot Justice, South Bronx Rising Together, the Opportunity Nation campaign and serving MA Governor Deval Patrick as the Director of Grassroots Governance. She began her career working in participatory planning in Bangalore, India and remains engaged in international education as a member of the Board of World Learning.
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