Pedro Cunha

Director, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation || Judge for The Gulbenkian Award for Adult Literacy

Director of the Gulbenkian Program for Knowledge, since January 2020, started working at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in January 2018, as Deputy-Director. Holds a Degree, Masters and Ph.D (ongoing) in Psychology of Education, from ISPA. He started his career as a school psychologist, and as coordinator of social innovation programs on substance abuse, community development and social exclusion. He was Program Director and Head of Education at the Aga Khan Foundation Portugal (2003-2010) and taught at Teachers College (2008-10). He served as Deputy Director-General for Education in four governments (2010-2017), where he was responsible for school improvement, ECEC, early school leaving, Health and Wellbeing, Inclusive Education, Curricula Enrichment, Psychology and support services. He acted as National Commissioner for the Rights of the Child and for Early Intervention, as a representative of the Ministry of Education (2010-17). He was awarded with the “Excellens Mare” prize by PricewaterhouseCoopers. He worked as expert at the European Commission, UN, UNICEF and the OECD. He is part of a Think Tank at the National Professional Association of Psychologists and at the Observatory at the University of Minho.

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