Sangheon Lee
Director of Employment Policy, International Labor Organization
Sangheon Lee is the Director of the Employment Policy Department of the ILO which leads ILO’s action for promoting full and productive employment by developing integrated employment, development and skills policies.
Before his current position, he was the Special Adviser to the Deputy Director-General for Policy on Economic and Social Issues (2014-18), providing advice on analytical work, policy development and advocacy across a range of economic, employment and social issues as well as coordinating ILO’s work at multilateral fora such as G20, G7, and BRICS.
Mr. Lee has written extensively on economic, employment and labour issues, including articles in the International Labour Review and Socio-Economic Review, as well as editing volumes under the global research project of Regulating for Decent Work (Palgrave Macmillan) and other research projects. He is also one of the main authors of ILO flagship reports such as the Global Wage Report and the World Employment and Social Outlook. He co-authored Working Time around the World (2007 Routledge).
Mr Lee holds a PhD in Economics from Cambridge University.
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